It is that time of year, when we are trying to figure out what to get for our loved ones. Nothing says winter fun like ice skating and playing in the snow. Here in California, we have to drive to the mountains or head into the rink for our winter time activities.
If you know someone who ice skates, odds are they would LOVE a gift that honors their passion and helps them become a better skater. Whether it is a new pair of skates, a warm hat, fitness gift or a journal. Below I have curated collections of gifts and stocking stuffers, for your cyber Monday shopping pleasure!

Stocking stuffers are always fun!
Gloves, Gloves, Gloves. We use our gloves a lot...I am a huge fan of having a few pairs of gloves in a skate bag.I have a few listed below.
For all purpose gloves, I like the super stretchy, magic style glove. They are inexpensive, easy to clean, one size fits most (there are tot and youth sizes) and we can see their fingers.
As usual, I always support making skating fun. There is nothing like Elsa or an excavator to get a tiny tot skating faster.
While I am not a huge fan of mittens (the kids tend to pull on them, take them off or mess with them more than gloves) but I also understand that they keep the tiny tot fingers warmer than gloves. These are a great cyber Monday deal on Amazon.
When skaters are in a big falling phase or working on a tough jump, I like the hand padding on the CRS gloves. They come in black and a nude color, so they can even use them for costuming if absolutely necessary.
Skaters love to have fun skate guards. A brand new pair of guards can make every skater feel special.
The new edea brand guards are comfortable to walk in and adjust with blade sizes. Really neat new guard designs.
Then there is the always popular adjustable and mix and match style guard. So many color options. Online there are a few options for multi color styles. Some skate shops allow skaters to open up packages and make custom combinations, which you can't do online.
Cold feet are a part of skating, but a long day on the ice can definitely freeze the toes. I might buy myself a few fun pairs of these for myself, to match my coaching jackets. So cute.
“My skater is so creative. What can I get to help light their creative fire?"
I love working with artistic kids. They bring so much new energy and creativity to the ice and our lessons. Here are a few things that can inspire your creative skater.
Here is a little bling for the tree and a few fun things for the little ones.
When I skated, I used to design all my costumes. It was one of my favorite parts of the competitive season. I still do costumes for the skaters and it all started with a sketch pad and colored pencils. This looks like a great starter set for your skater to begin putting their ideas on paper, in color!
This is a modern take on the same idea, from the Crayon company.
Skaters don't sweat, we sparkle!
Let's face it. Skaters love bling on everything. Here are a few fun and a few necessary skating items, or every day and performances.
Ok the pony on skates only isn't sparkly but it's adorable.
Clothing is a fun holiday gift. Warm and sparkly, why not?
Now for some more serious stuff, training tools. I am a huge fan of spinners for skaters to improve their balance and work on both jump rotation positions and spin positions.
The traditional skate spinner has some great benefits. It can be used on all surfaces. It is very versatile for practicing rotation to landing (go over that with a coach please) and all the spin positions. They are pretty indestructible.
A lot of skaters and dancers like the smaller, plastic spinner toys. They are made by a number of companies. I think they are all pretty comparable.
The Rush Slowly is probably my favorite in this category. It is easy to use and, let's face it, everyone likes the beach!
The Edea spinners cost more but have lots of options for colors and themes.
Off ice time. You need to exercise to be a greta skater plus, kids love to move!
This is a great way to make a game of exercise, for your little athlete and for you. You can take turns rolling the dice.
Foot exercise it really important for skaters. I have my competitive skaters do a four directional exercise with hands every day (video pending). Check out this cyber Monday deal. You can use it too, wink, wink.
Loop style bands are great for different types of exercises that the long bands. I highly recommend that you have both types of bands.
OK, these are just a few, fun ideas for the perfect holiday gifts, training tools and stocking stuffers for your favorite skater. Have fun and have a wonderful holiday season. Happy Cyber Monday!
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